Real Solutions to Solve Problems - Introduction


Owen Sound Taxes are $10.5 million higher than the average of the three primary comparator municipalities and $6.5 million higher than Cobourg which is nearly identical to Owen Sound in population, population-density and the number of occupied dwellings.

Owen Sound spends $11 million more on delivering services, not including Protective Services, than the average of primary comparator municipalities in the study group and $3.8 million more than the municipality of Cobourg which delivers nearly identical services. Table 10, below shows the magnitude of the challenge in bringing Owen Sound Expenses in line with similar municipalities.







Table 10; Changes Required to Restore Municipal Administrative Competiveness 

Owen Sound’s total expenses, including protective services, have been growing at a rate of $1.3 million per year since 201142. In 2011 Owen Sound’s total expenses were $40.1 million and in 2022 they were at $55.3 million. During this time Owen Sound’s population reduced by 76 residents. Therefore population was not the driving force behind this astronomical expense growth.

There are four areas that Council should focus on:

A. Increase Non-Taxation or Ancillary Revenue,
B. Share Costs with Others,
C. Reduce and Tighten Up Support Services
D. Re-Align, Re-Organize and Re-Think

Read the First Solution